The following is a part of an article published at:

"The goal of SATELLIFE's information services is to connect the health
practitioner in the developing world with a range of high-quality
information resources in a cost-effective manner, by making use of the
most affordable, efficient and appropriate technology," stated SATELLIFE
executive director, Holly Ladd. "The Public Health Channel will employ
the technology of the WorldSpace system to exponentially increase the
amount of information health practitioners throughout Africa can access
- information that most health practitioners in the United States and
Europe take for granted."

The Public Health Channel will be launched in four countries: Zimbabwe,
Kenya, Uganda and Ethiopia. After an initial testing period, the project
will expand to other African countries as funding becomes available. "We
are limited only by our resources," said Ms. Ladd. "We envision a time
in the near future when the Public Health Channel is available to every
doctor and nurse throughout Africa, no matter how remote their
location." WorldSpace receivers will be placed in hospitals, medical
schools, medical libraries, health clinics, health ministries and
research settings.

WorldSpace receivers provide crystal clear digital audio channels, and
can also serve as a modem, downloading text-based material and dynamic
images from the AfriStarô satellite directly to computers. The
WorldSpace system transcends the difficulties of unreliable telephone
systems at a fraction of the cost of most Internet-based projects.

"WorldSpace Foundation is the embodiment of the WorldSpace network's
commitment to social development and humanitarianism," said Ms. Hillman.
"We work with NGOs and other humanitarian groups to bring important,
life-saving information to people who are disadvantaged by poverty,
rural location and the digital divide."

Read more about Satellife (an NGO) at:

Nabil M. El-Khodari
"If the people will lead, the leaders will follow." David Suzuki

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