Hi guys.

The compiler told me to report a bug so that's what I'm doing. I ran the
following command:

ghc-4.04 -o ghcnewperms3 -O2 -fvia-C -O2-for-C -fusagesp Newperms3.hs

(NB it's not patchlevel 1)
from that I got the following:

panic! (the `impossible' happened):
        pessimise: missing annot:
    PrelIOBase.IO{-3T,i-} PrelBase.Z0T{-40,s-}

Please report it as a compiler bug to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I hope you can fix this. The haskellfile (Newperms3.hs) is included as an

module Main(main) where

main = putStr $ shows (filter condition $ permutations p0) "\n"
         p0                              = [0..9] :: [Int]
         condition [t,h,i,r,y,w,e,l,v,n] =
                      expand t h i r t y + 5 * expand t w e l v e ==
                      expand n i n e t y

expand a b c d e f = f + e*10 + d*100 + c*1000 + b*10000 + a*100000
                     :: Int

permutations :: [Int] -> [[Int]]
            -- build the full permutation list given an ordered list

permutations []     = [[]]
permutations (j:js) = [r | pjs <- permutations js, r <- addj pjs]
                  addj []         = [[j]]
                  addj (h@(k:ks)) = (j:h): [(k:aks) | aks <- addj ks]

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