Scary, but true...the floats in my version of ghc don't like 
to be referenced.  The program

  data MassPnt  = MassPnt Float (Float, Float)
                  deriving (Show)

  main = do
           print 1.18088e+11                        -- (1)
             x = 1.18088e+11
             p = MassPnt x (-0.768153, -0.742202)   -- (*)
           print x                                  -- (2)

prints `1.18088e+11' successfully at line (1), but fails in
line (2) with `Fail: Char.intToDigit: not a digit'.

But now the *interesting* part: When I remove the line (*),
everything works just fine!  Floats just don't like to be
referenced...or is there not enough space allocated for them
in the heap and they tend to be overwritten?

Now, I don't have the lattest version of GHC, so maybe
someone else hit that problem earlier (I also did't follow
all discussions on this list).  (As said earlier, I used ghc
2.05 on Linux 2.0.30.) 


P.S.: Of course, I think that the problem that I reported
      earlier was actually caused by the above one.

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