> Dear  ghc-5.02.2  (linux-i386-unknown, binary snapshot for libc-2.1),
> For the program         main = putStr $ show $ (2+3 :: Int)
>                         ghc --make Main
> `makes' it all right.
> And                     ghci -package docon Main
> also works.
> docon  is my user package, with  .hi files, .o, .a  libraries 
> gathered in certain directory. 
> And                     ghc -package docon --make Main
> yields
>         ghc-5.02.2: chasing modules from: Main
>         Skipping  Main             ( Main.hs, ./Main.o )
>         ghc: linking ...
>         /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lreadline
>         collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

Presumably, package 'docon' depends on package 'util', because package
'util' requires the readline library.  Linking against readline requires
libreadline.so, which is installed as part of the readline-devel package
on RedHat systems, and similarly on SuSE & Mandrake I think, but I'm not
sure about other Linux flavours.

If you install GHC from RPMs (the preferred option on systems that
support it), RPM will tell you about these dependencies.


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