> ghci doesn't seem to be picking up the .ghci settings in the 
> current directory, though it does in my $HOME directory.  I'm 
> using 5.03 under Windows XP.  Is this known behavior?

Looking at the code, there appears to be a bug in the Windows
implementation of .ghci file loading that would cause this behaviour.
I'll check in a fix.

> Also, cpp defs don't seem to be getting picked up.  I have a 
> .ghci line that says
>    :set -cpp -DBEGIN_GHC_ONLY='-}' -DEND_GHC_ONLY='{-' 
> But ghci chokes on my first "{- BEGIN_GHC_ONLY".  Am I 
> missing something?  Are these known issues?  Thanks,

Try omitting the quotes, they aren't understood by GHCi's :set command.

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