On 06 April 2005 16:16, Volker Wysk wrote:

> The following program demonstrates the bug:
> import GHC.Handle
> import GHC.IOBase
> import GHC.Conc
> import IO
> main = do
>    h <- openFile "/tmp/out" WriteMode
>    hDuplicateTo h stdout
>    fdh <- getfd h
>    fdstdout <- getfd stdout
>    hPutStrLn stderr ("h: " ++ show fdh ++ "\nstdout: " ++ show
> fdstdout) 
>    hClose h
>    putStrLn "bla"
> getfd h@(FileHandle _ mvar) = do
>    h__ <- takeMVar mvar
>    let fd = fromIntegral (haFD h__)
>    putMVar mvar h__
>    return fd
> The output:
> h: 1
> stdout: 1
> dup: <stdout>: hPutChar: invalid argument (Bad file descriptor)

That's a bug, now fixed.  Thanks for the report.

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