Thanks for the report.  I'm not 100% certain why it happens in 5.04.2,
but  it doesn't happen in the HEAD.  The error message is still not
great, but at least it's not gibberish.


    Could not deduce (ReprType r t) from the context ()
      arising from use of `getter'' at Data.hs:288
    Probable fix:
        Add (ReprType r t) to the expected type of an expression
    In the first argument of `runDR', namely `(getter' repr)'
    When checking the type signature of the expression:
          runDR (getter' repr) "..." 0 rContents :: forall t. CC t
    In a 'do' expression:
        val <- runDR (getter' repr) "..." 0 rContents :: forall t. CC t

| -----Original Message-----
| From: Dean Herington [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
| Sent: 27 January 2003 15:41
| Subject: garbled error message
| With the attached files, I get an apparently garbled error message
| during compilation.
| buzzard(105)% make
| ghc --make -package data -package concurrent -package posix Data
| ghc-5.04.2: chasing modules from: Data
| Compiling Repr             ( Repr.hs, Repr.o )
| Compiling Data             ( Data.hs, ./Data.o )
| Data.hs:288:
|     Could not deduce (ReprType r t) from the context ()
|     Probable fix:
|         Add (ReprType r t)
|         to the When generalising the type of an expression
|     arising from use of `getter'' at Data.hs:288
|     In the first argument of `runDR', namely `(getter' repr)'
|     When checking the type signature of the expression:
|           runDR (getter' repr) "..." 0 rContents :: forall t. CC t
| *** Error code 1
| make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `default'

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