On 11 April 2005 16:44, Jessica Brennan wrote:

> cd H/ghc && make boot && make
> in section 10.2.1 of the build guide.
> Actually I just double checked and I don't get those lines of the
> error when doing cross-compiling.
> Sorry grabbed the first set of errors I saw. It is the same minus
> those test messages for the cross-compiling:
> ==fptools== gmake all -r;
>   in /devel/build/NetBSD/ghc/ghc-6.4-host/ghc/compiler
> /usr/local/bin/ghc -H16m -O -H32m  -istage1/utils  -istage1/basicTypes
> -istage1/types  -istage1/hsSyn  -istage1/prelude  -istage1/rename
> -istage1/typecheck  -istage1/deSugar  -istage1/coreSyn
> -istage1/specialise  -istage1/simplCore  -istage1/stranal 
> -istage1/stgSyn 
> -istage1/simplStg  -istage1/codeGen  -istage1/main  -istage1/profiling
> -istage1/parser  -istage1/cprAnalysis  -istage1/compMan
> -istage1/ndpFlatten  -istage1/iface  -istage1/cmm -Istage1
> -DOMIT_NATIVE_CODEGEN -cpp -fglasgow-exts -fno-generics -Rghc-timing
> -I. 
> -IcodeGen -InativeGen -Iparser -package unix -recomp -Rghc-timing -O
> -fasm 
> -H16M '-#include "hschooks.h"' -i../lib/compat    -c
> utils/PrimPacked.lhs 
> -o stage1/utils/PrimPacked.o  -ohi stage1/utils/PrimPacked.hi
> utils/PrimPacked.lhs:244:
>      Warning: foreign declaration uses deprecated non-standard syntax
> utils/PrimPacked.lhs:248:
>      Warning: foreign declaration uses deprecated non-standard syntax
> utils/PrimPacked.lhs:251:
>      Warning: foreign declaration uses deprecated non-standard syntax
> utils/PrimPacked.lhs:254:
>      Warning: foreign declaration uses deprecated non-standard syntax
> utils/PrimPacked.lhs:257:
>      Warning: foreign declaration uses deprecated non-standard syntax
> ghc-6.2.1: panic! (the `impossible' happened, GHC version 6.2.1):
>          This compiler was built without a native code generator
>      Use -fvia-C instead
> Please report it as a compiler bug to
> glasgow-haskell-bugs@haskell.org, or
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/ghc/. 

Ok, the instructions have a slight mistake, we shouldn't be using the
-fasm flag to build stage 1.  I'm not sure how that crept in, sorry.

Just remove -fasm from GhcStage1HcOpts in mk/build.mk, that should fix

By the way, I'm guessing you're on a Sparc box, is that right?  If so,
others have reported problems on Sparc with 6.4, so you might run into
difficulties.  We're lacking a Sparc guru at the moment.

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