On 1/21/13 1:40 AM, Shachaf Ben-Kiki wrote:
For example:
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
import Unsafe.Coerce
newtype Id a = MkId { unId :: a }
{-# RULES "fmap unId" fmap unId = unsafeCoerce #-}
data family Foo x y a
data instance Foo x y (Id a) = FooI x
On 01/21/13 04:43 PM, rocon...@theorem.ca wrote:
So the binary-dist has a settings.in file. It is the configure step in
the binary-dist that generates the corrupt settings file.
Perhaps you've forgotten to regenerate bin-dist configure as you did
with build tree configure after applying my pat
On Mon, 21 Jan 2013, Karel Gardas wrote:
On 01/21/13 12:49 AM, rocon...@theorem.ca wrote:
On Sun, 20 Jan 2013, Karel Gardas wrote:
Okay, I patched the settings filed generted by ./configure in the
binary-dist and rank make install which completed. However,
pi@raspberrypi /tmp/bindist $ bin/g
On 19/01/13 07:32, Stephen Paul Weber wrote:
Somebody claiming to be Stephen Paul Weber wrote:
Somebody claiming to be Nathan Hüsken wrote:
Was that an registerised or unregisterised build?
Did anyone succesfully build ghc on an arm system which produces non
crashing executables?
Just finally
Your example is complicated by the fact that k is overloaded (will work on any
value in class Num), and in fact the numbers end up having type Integer, not
But still, it is indeed like SpecConstr. Maybe we should generate a specialised
version of 'k', specialised for k=0. That might be a