
I released on Pypi a small python installer for Gmsh SDK. The aim is to 
install SDK in a pythonic way, i.e. via ``pip`` command.

Python users can now install SDK with simple:

    $ pip install --upgrade gmsh-sdk

and things are just ready to use:

    $ gmsh --help
    $ python -c "import gmsh; gmsh.initialize(['', '--help'])"

Installation should work under Linux, Windows and MacOSX for both Python 2 and 

Some links:

Marek Wojciechowski 
Katedra Geotechniki i Budowli Inżynierskich P.Ł. (K-66)
Al. Politechniki 6
90-924 Łódź, Polska
Telefon: +0048 42 6313590
Fax: +0048 42 6313592


Politechnika Łódzka 
Lodz University of Technology 

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