Dear Christophe,

Thank you very much for the answer and great work behind gmsh software!



Polish Academy of Sciences
Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery
Centre for Mechanics of Machines
Mechanics of Intelligent Structures Department
Fiszera 14 St, 80-231 Gdansk
tel. +48 58 5225 251
W dniu 2020-10-08 o 21:56, Christophe Geuzaine pisze:

On 8 Oct 2020, at 08:37, Pawel Kudela <> wrote:

Dear Gmsh community,

Do you know how to force gmsh to produce only one layer of hexahedral elements 
through the thickness of the thin-walled structure like in the attached 
example? I want to have only one layer of linear elements which will be than 
converted to higher order spectral element type.

3D meshing always produces two elements even though 1 layer is set in extrude 

You get 2 elements in the layer because of the

   Mesh.SubdivisionAlgorithm = 2; // 1: all quadrangles; 2: all hexas

command, which subdivides the mesh (to get a full quad/hex mesh).

There's active work on new quad meshing tools, so hopefully this limitation 
will disappear in the future.





Polish Academy of Sciences
Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery
Centre for Mechanics of Machines
Mechanics of Intelligent Structures Department
Fiszera 14 St, 80-231 Gdansk
tel. +48 58 5225 251
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Prof. Christophe Geuzaine
University of Liege, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

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