On Thu, 4 May 2000, Mike Bilow wrote:
> First, and WAY off topic, Outlook Express (and all of IE5) should be
> installed in a corporate environment from a local server.

  Right.  And everyone should run MS Small Business Server, and use MS
Exchange for mail, and MS Proxy for Internet, and the only LAN protocol you
should use is NetBEUI, and all email should be send as MS Word documents only.  
Be sure to use MS IIS for your web and FTP server, too.

  Can I just sell my soul to Bill Gates now, and be over with it?

> The admin runs the System Administration Kit (or whatever it is officially
> called now) and makes a local package with the appropriate local defaults
> and settings.

  AFAIK, you need to buy a site license package to do that.  Most of our
customers are using the individual OEM copies of Outlook that came with their
pee cee.

> This way, every machine in the corporate system has the correct security
> defaults, the correct home page, the correct proxies, and so on.

  Until the next security exploit, system crash, reinstall, and so on.

> Second, most MS Office users are not technically skilled.

  The fact that they use MS Office tells you that.  :-)

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