[I don't *believe* anyone posted this particular tidbit, but I wasn't
following the Foxtrot thread that closely; please forgive if a repeat.]

As all die-hard FoxTrot fans know, mister Amend keeps up his own
website, http://homepage.mac.com/billamend/ (so he's a phsicist with a
soft spot for Macs.  Ah, well...).  And, if you scroll down a bit,
you'll see his surprise at a recent underwear-related strip:

Non-Question of the Week: What is a CHMOD?
Hard to believe, but NOT ONE READER wrote to ask what the heck the CHMOD
700 * punchline of my Unix underpants strip meant. Clearly the world has
gone geek faster than anyone could have predicted. Well done, FoxTrot
readers. And for non-FoxTrot readers who might have just stumbled on
this site, basically the Unix CHMOD command sets the access privileges
of a file or folder, the 700 says to grant full read, write, execute
privileges to the user only (meaning outsiders can't have access), and
the * says to perform this on the contents. So Jason is setting his
underwear to private.

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