On Sat, 2002-07-06 at 19:19, Ben Boulanger wrote:
> On Sat, 6 Jul 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Btw, while I'm inefficiently doing the job using tools I'm not overly familiar 
> > with 'because you said so', I'll also be looking elsewhere for employment with
> > a company who values efficiency of dictatorial and mindless rules without a decent
> > understanding of what they're really in business for."
> While I agree with you - linux is something I feel I need to get the job 
> done - I disagree with the flip attitude to the 'because you said so'.  IT 
> departments in certain companies (ones I've worked for) simply have no 
> tolerance for things they can't control, and really, I don't blame them.  

  Well, I took a rather novel approach to this.  I agree with Paul,
though I've taken it even a step further.  I was told that if I took a
job with a particular company that I would be expected to use
M$Project.  MrProject wasn't going to work because of the fact that
multiple people, some on M$, need to be able to edit it.  I was free to
use Linux on my desktop (many others did), but it was clear that I would
run into more difficulties than I would at many places.  A few weeks
after the interview, it was clear they were going to make an offer.  I
said no.
  Crazy in this market?  I think not.  For me, it was the last straw to
push me to get my *own* business off the ground.
  Granted, not everyone can do this.  But I'm friggin' sick of being
told what tools I'm supposed to use to get my job done.  After 15 years
in this business (yes, I know I keep harping on that, but it's true),
I'm perfectly qualified to make that decision myself.
  And when I hear the statements like "IT departments ... have no
tolerance for things they can't control," I lose it.  I say to that,
"You dolt, I AM IT!!"  But I try to be a *little* more diplomatic and
explain that since we *are* the IT department, one of those perks most
certainly can (and should) be that we get to use the tools we want since
we are the ones who provide support and know that we can't bug anyone
else for support.  And it's not just the tools we *want*, but the tools
that make us the most efficient at our jobs.

-Paul Iadonisi
 Senior System Administrator
 Red Hat Certified Engineer / Local Linux Lobbyist
 Ever see a penguin fly?  --  Try Linux.
 GPL all the way: Sell services, don't lease secrets

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