On Tue, 7 Nov 2000, Derek Martin wrote:
>> I would also like to hear something on LINUX security (for Newbies).
> Being someone who knows a good bit about security (though I don't really
> consider myself an expert), I really don't think one could give an
> effective or useful presentation on securing a Linux box in an hour or so.

  While I agree that security is too broad a topic to cover in an hour or so
(then again, so is Emacs), I think we could accomplish an introduction to some
basic principles, best practices, and pointers to resources.  Willing to give
it a shot?

> I can, however, make that process easier for you, by telling you to go get
> Maximum Linux Security by "Anonymous" at your local SoftPro or B&N.

Other good books (I think) include:

  _Linux System Security_
    Scott Mann and Ellen L. Mitchell
    Prentice Hall
    (Covers a variety of tools in a Linux environment.  Very good.)

  _Practical Unix & Internet Security_
    Simson Garfinkel and Gene Spafford
    (A bit dated, and doesn't cover Linux specifically, but still worth the

  _Building Internet Firewalls_
    D. Brent Chapman and Elizabeth D. Zwicky
    (*THE* book on firewalls.  If you are using a firewall -- and you should
     -- you need this book.  Go get it.)

  _Linux and OpenBSD Firewalls_
    (Don't have it near me to give the biblio, sorry.  But anyway, covers
     practical application of the techniques in Chapman and Zwicky.  Plus
     it is a riot to read.)

  _Computer Security Basics_
    Deborah Russell and G.T. Gangemi Sr.
    (An survey course in security concepts.  Good if you want a look at a
     "bigger picture".  Not a system administration handbook.)

Net Technologies, Inc. <http://www.ntisys.com>
Voice: (800)905-3049 x18   Fax: (978)499-7839

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