Reviving a thread from 3 years ago..., because I'm finally about
to buy a new laptop, again...:


Do you do, or have you considered doing, anything in the way of whitebox
laptops with straight-up Linux installs (i.e. no Microsoft overhead)?

Maybe by way of a strategic partnership with another company
like ZaReason or such? e.g.: they handle R&D, you showcase
and sell it (optionally (co-)installing Windows, if people want it,
I guess)?

Anyone else running a business that sells Linux computers,
feel free to jump in, too :)

Brian Chabot <> writes:
> Joshua Judson Rosen wrote:
> > `Open Systems FTW'?
> > 
> > So..., I just recently heard about these guys:
> > 
> >
> > 
> > Anyone here have experience with, or opinions of, them?
> > 
> Nope.
> But I do have (intimate you might say) experience with a *local*
> provider of Linux systems....
> There's Just Works in Nashua - - which sells
> Mandriva based desktops and dual-boot laptops and netbooks.
> Triple boot on the netbooks if you want - Mandriva Linux, WinXP, and Moblin.
> I just thought I'd mention it, 'cause you know... I own the place and all.
> Sales have been kinda (!) slow lately.  If you *want* a local provider
> who supports the Linux systems an all... Just Works can do it.
> ....If I get enough customers to keep the company in business... which
> hasn't been happening lately.  So come on down and support the local
> Linux provider!
> Brian

"Don't be afraid to ask (λf.((λx.xx) (λr.f(rr))))."

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