I had a similar experience recently with places opening mplayer in the manner in which you describe for vlc.
It is as you suspected a file association issue, or at least it was in my case.

You basically can fix it by manually starting nautilus and using the "Open With..." to reset the preference for directory objects to nautilus.

My problem occurred after doing something with a DVD which caused me to try to open a folder with mplayer and the option 'Remember this application for "folder" files' is set by default.

Here's the bug I found which referenced the issue and includes more detailed steps to resolve it:

Hope this fixes your problem.

Brian ..

On 04/22/2011 08:37 AM, Ken D'Ambrosio wrote:
Running Ubuntu; if I go to Places -> $MOSTANYCHOICE (e.g., "Home Folder"),
lo! My vlc starts up, and I'm watching Ghostbusters.  And, while
Ghostbusters is not to be sneered at, it's unlikely to offer the directory
listing for which I'm looking.

As I'd prefer to not blow away *all* my settings, I was wondering if
anyone might have any suggestions on how to track this one down.  The
funny thing is, it functions correctly for *some* selections.  Here -- my
current layout:

Home folder: vlc
Desktop: vlc
Documents: vlc
Music: vlc
Pictures: vlc
Video: vlc
Computer: Computer(!)
269 MB Filesystem [from an inserted SD card]: vlc
15 GB Filesystem [ibid.]: vlc
Network: Network
sftp for ken on vlc
Connect to server: connect-to-server dialog

Just noticed two things:
- vlc fires up *different* things, depending on where it's launched
- Not all destinations that launch vlc have playable media, so it's not
like it's triggering on something it's finding.

So, things I'm looking for, in order of preference:
- Way to edit the Gnome menu option associations to find out what's wrong.
- Way to blow away *just* Gnome's settings.
- Random suggestions that might offer insight.



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Brian L. Shaver
4-Dogs Technology

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