Google Apps Deciphered

What is it about

I expected the book to cover the Google App-Engine.  However, it is
really about the suite of services available from Google through an Apps
account.  I was dimly aware that Google offers web based software to do
word processing and spreadsheets (and more).  I felt no need to pay
attention since I had Open Office.  Combined with ssh I could access my
office computer from anywhere on the net.

Google Apps are really targeted at replacing office servers.  Your Apps
account is tied into your domain configuration.  Google Mail (GMail)
provides your email services.  Calendar, shared documents, and web pages
are also handled by Google.  The book covers:
        * the details for setting an Apps acount
        * configuring name servers
        * migrating your existing files and accounts
        * configuring and using the different services

The Good

There are some screen shots showing forms and buttons with details about
where to click.  Fortunately these are held to a minimum.  The book
explains what the screens mean while providing useful pointers about how
the data gets used.  The DNS details are more than adequate.  Chapters
end with a list of links providing more detail and the latest

Some of the services have pitfalls, bugs, and weaknesses.  These are
pointed out in the text.  While the author (Scott Granneman) is
enthusiastic about Google Apps, he is pretty frank about the

        "...Start Page has a long way to go before it matures into something
truly practical."

The index runs 32 pages and worked well for everything I tried to find.

The Bad

Like so many technical books today, it seems a bit rushed.  There are a
few references to material that are either not present or got moved to
different locations.  I did not find any significant typos.

The author has a website that is intended to supplement the book.  He
made some entries in November, 2008, but it has been quite since then.

The Bottom Line

This book is invaluable to anyone looking to integrate Google Apps into
a organization's infrastructure.  I put it to use when I got a call
looking to register a domain for a new business.  I helped her open a
Google Apps account and configured the name server.  Now she has the
beginnings of a web presence with no upfront investment.  If you are
serious about helping your organization use Google Apps, or you want to
provide Google Apps assistance to others, I think you will find this
book to be a great help.

Lloyd Kvam
Venix Corp

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