(Sorry if this is off-topic or ill-received).

I am setting up a new program at my work for people who want to do
personal server colocation.  The basic idea is that we will do a 1U colo
with power and bandwidth for $65/mo.  Install is $50.  You bring a
rackmountable pre-configured 1U machine (or just ship it to us for
installation).  There are no bandwidth guarantees, and I won't really
pay much attention to aggregate usage unless something gets out of hand.

The offer is limited to linux machines, as the only tech support offered
is that we will plug in a modem to a console port during normal business
hours (8A-5P EST).  This is for personal server collocation, no business
machines (although again this is hard to monitor and would not really be
enforced unless a problem arises).  You will receive 1 static IP
address, but can purchase a larger subnet for additional costs.

Basically, I want to try to make server colocation affordable to people
who want to host their own mail/web servers for personal geek use,
testing, learning, etc.

The AUP is pretty simple as well: don't cause me any grief.  I (or
actually, my company) will reserve the right to cancel service at any
time and the policy will pretty much be zero tolerance for spam or
malicious activity.

I don't really want to get into the business aspects of "how can you
afford to do this, etc" here, this offer is being done more as a
friendly extension to the hacker (hacker being the good traditional kind
of hacker, not the Hollyweird version) community because I can...

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