It appears that October 23rd is the winner!


1. Join the -org list and/or reply to me that you'd like to attend the meeting.

2. Join the -org list and add to the suggested agenda.

3. Add/edit the wiki topic AutumnalSummit2005

See you all in a few weeks.

On Sep 21, 2005, at 11:35 AM, Ted Roche wrote:

Last call for preferences on the date to get together. October 23rd appears to be the most popular choice at this point. Vote by Friday if you'd like to attend.

Begin forwarded message:

From: Ted Roche <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: September 16, 2005 10:08:29 AM EDT
To:  The Usual Suspects...
Subject: Second 2005 GNHLUG Summit: Wood Badge

At last night's Nashua get-together, several activists said that they'd like to get together for a follow-up meeting. I suspect we may have a small window of opportunity between the rush of Labor Day and the beginning of winter and the holiday season. Here were some ideas we'd come up with. Let's try to firm up an agenda and find a date the most of us can make it. Respond to me directly off- line with your availability (or UNSUBSCRIBE if you'd like me to stop pestering you) and to the gnhlug-org list (you have joined, haven't you?) with ideas, suggestions, agenda items, news, etc.

Suggestions so far:

1. Hold it on a Sunday Afternoon, perhaps 1 PM - 5 PM or so. We've covered a lot of material already, so a half-day should work. Some of us have busy Saturdays. (I'm sure most have busy *days, too, please submit your availability for:..

October 2:
October 9:
October 16:
October 23:
October 30:

2. Wood Badge training: maddog couldn't say enough about the Scout's program to train leaders (Google it for some interesting tales). Some seek glory, others have it thrust upon them. Chapter leaders just happened. Let's share experiences, agendas, meeting ideas, how to run a meeting, how to shut up that guy in the back who just won't quit, and so forth. Heather has given us a good start with the idea of setting up a structure, schedule and plan for announcements, where do we take that? How to announce, where to announce?

3. Status on ongoing projects. A number of us volunteered to look into one thing or another. A chance to catch up on progress or lack of it, plan the next steps, and so forth.

Administrative note: I addressed this message to each of the attendees, chapter coordinators, activists and past presidents. I'd like to try to keep this on the -org list if that works for everyone. Please don't reply to all to keep duplication to a minimum. Thanks!

Ted Roche
Ted Roche & Associates, LLC

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