On 01/25/2016 11:57 AM, Bill Freeman wrote:
> IEEE has an article here about abuse of the H-1B visa, putting citizens out 
> of work.  It links to a petition asking the government to investigate.
> See the article here: http://insight.ieeeusa.org/insight/content/policy/255071

Thanks, Bill. It turned out to be timely for me--since I was in the midst
of being laid-off when you sent it. Though, I've still never experienced
this `abusive outsourcing' phenomena personally (when I've been laid-off,
the H-1B workers were getting laid-off right along with me). I'd guess
this is an artifact of the type of organisations where I've worked....

Luckily, the job-market for good software hackers looks decent right now.
I'm trying to figure out what I want to do. The thought had occurred
to me that I actually might like working on tools for cinema....
I guess not at Disney.

(if anyone's got suggestions for positions that might be a good fit,
 I'd love to hear them...)

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