While I happen to rather agree with mike ledoux's choice of subject
line, I cannot bring myself to deliberately use a biased subject line.
Sorry.  :)

On 3/27/07, Jon 'maddog' Hall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
And perhaps we should be more forceful in helping people to use
digests ...

 I'm not a big fan of digests.  They make replies a lot harder, and
they make it difficult to have software ignore a given thread.  Irony.

 (MIME digests are useful as a batch delivery mechanism, but that's
mostly transparent in usage, so I'm assuming that's not what you're
after, here.)

[long list of "which list" rulings cut]

 Well, maddog, that's fine and good, but unless you're volunteering
to personally vet and sort each and every message that gets posted, it
doesn't really help us much.  :-)  If we're going to have topic rules
for any number of lists, they need to be clearly spelled out, so that
people can follow them.  And I'm sorry, but "What would maddog do?" is
not a topic rule (although it would make a pretty cool T-shirt
slogan).  :)

Copyright issues.  Taxes.  Free speech issues.  Taxes.  Effectiveness
of voting.  Taxes.  Patents.  Tollbooths.

And Global warming and child pornography, but I have not seen long
discussions of them on the list either.

 Actually, everything I listed there *has* been discussed on the
gnhlug-discuss, and at length.  I can Google up some links to archives
if you like.  :)

  Meanwhile, a brief message or two on an upcoming TV special may be
well-appreciated by the readership of the -tech list, no?


 Whoa!  Error, error!  :)  While we don't have any topic rules for
gnhlug-discuss, we *do* have one for gnhlug-announce.  That list is
for announcements relating to GNHLUG.  Meetings, events, and so on.
Not just random things people find interesting.  (That's called a
blog.  Or gnhlug-discuss.  ;-)  )

  What about the occasional astronomy-related message?  Does that go
to -tech (it's not Linux) or -social (but still technical)?

astronomy in general?  Aren't there mailing lists that deal with that?
Aren't you subscribed to them?

 I was referring to the fact that, on occasion, someone floats a
thread about some current astronomy event, like a meteor shower.
Sometimes it goes to a handful of messages on the finer points of
amateur astronomy.  Is that "technical" because it's technical, or
"social" because it's not Linux?

 People who ignore nudges can be nudged harder.  With a 2x4, as

If it were only two it would be easier, but if there are two arguing and
ten who are "mildly interested", it becomes harder.

 Absolutely.  I just think that splitting the lists doesn't make that
aspect any easier.  You still have to establish topic rules, enforce
them, deal with people who break them, and so on.

And often the 2x4 leaves splinters, even if not intentional.

 We're also concerned about a low signal-to-noise ratio.  We can't
have our cake and eat it, too.  "We have to make a management

-- Ben
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