OT: Some funny Linux videos from IBM

2003-09-23 Thread Sharpe, Richard
Just a few laughs from IBM to brighten the day. http://www-1.ibm.com/servers/eserver/linux/fun/ # Rich Richard A Sharpe (DBA) Sqlserver/DB2 Amherst Technologies 40 Continental Blvd Merrimack, NH 03054 PHONE ...(603) 579-6180 / (800) 431-8

OT: Some funny Linux videos from IBM

2003-09-23 Thread Sharpe, Richard
Just a few laughs from IBM to brighten the day. http://www-1.ibm.com/servers/eserver/linux/fun/ # Rich Richard A Sharpe (DBA) Sqlserver/DB2 Amherst Technologies 40 Continental Blvd Merrimack, NH 03054 PHONE ...(603) 579-6180 / (800) 431-