Hey, just an FYI. I'll be attending with a buddy of mine, Mike Spenard.
If you have any questions about WiFi stuff (specifically antenna
questions) then feel free to ask. Perhaps we can get him to do a
presentation on WiFi security and stuff like that at some point :)

Mike is owner and operator of Signull Technologies (www.signull.com)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ben Boulanger [mailto:ben@;blackavar.com] 
> Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2002 8:25 PM
> To: Centralug List
> Cc: GNHLUG List
> Subject: Centralug Meeting Nov. 12
> Come one, come all!  Learn how to turn on and off your lights 
> from work while connected to your home linux machine and 
> scare your family. 
> Schedule those sprinklers to come on when the neighbor walks 
> their dog in your yard!  (Content subject to change as I have 
> no idea what Bruce will be showing us!)
> Our next meeting will be:
> WHEN: TUESDAY, November 12, 2002 at 7:00 PM
>     West St. Ward House
>     41 West St.
>     Concord, NH
> WHAT: X10 Home Automation
> WHO: Bruce Dawson presenting
> Map to West St. Ward House: 
> http://www.mapquest.com/maps/map.adp?addtohistory=&country=US&;

Directions to West St. Ward House:
1. Take 93 to Exit 13 (3/Manchester St)
2. Take 3 towards downtown (heading northwest)
3. Look for the McDonalds - it's on the corner of 3,
    South Main and West
4. Turn onto South Main St. (3A) (heading southwest)
5. Take first right around McDonalds onto West St.
6. The West St. Ward House is on the corner of Badger
    and west and is a large brick building.

Anyone who wants to meet before hand:
        Hermanos Cocina Mexicana
Supposed to have some good mexican food and their menu looks
reasonable.. I'm trying it out and will be there at 6:00. RSVP to me if
you'd like to meet me and try it out.  It's just 
off of S. Main St. a little way up from West St.

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