Okay, here's my little 2600 rant :)

2600 used to be a good magazine, but now all they are is a political
front that is a bit to extreme for me. The magazine and the radio show
they have used to be all about hacking, messing around with stuff, and
just general fun with computer and electronics. Now it's always the same
crap on how to get by some stupid censorware at school, the DMCA and how
companies are evil.

I'm not saying what they're talking about isn't true, but I buy 2600 to
learn stuff, not to listen to listen to all their propaganda.

And as far as Freedom Downtime.. Can anybody please tell me why this
hasn't been released on DVD. I've sent email to them about it and never
get a response. You can release non CSS and region encoded DVDs, lots of
porn, anime, and public domain movies are out on DVD that way. Producing
DVDs is a LOT cheaper then VHS tapes (since you can press a DVD but
there's no such thing as high speed copy for VHS video tape). There is
no reason for them not to release it on DVD except for some weak
political statement that makes no sense since they don't have to have
region coding or CSS encryption. Also, you would think by now somebody
would have mpeg'd it and put it on a p2p network, but that hasn't
happened yet either.

Anyway, just my little rant :)

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:gnhlug-discuss-admin@;mail.gnhlug.org] On Behalf Of 
> Mighty Industries
> Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2002 6:53 AM
> Subject: "Freedom Downtime" [was: Kevin Mitnick speaking at 
> Marlboro Softpro tonight... (fwd)]
> > ------- Forwarded Message
> >
> > KT> A buddy of mine just let me know that Kevin Mitnick will be
> > speaking KT> at Softpro books in Marlboro @6:30pm.
> >
> The film "Freedom Downtime," made by 2600 about the "Free 
> Kevin" campaign and some other hacker issues, is wonderful.  
> I've watched it several times and always end up in tears 
> because of the implication of lack of understanding and 
> serious threat to young creative intelligent young people 
> that this film details (remember now that life sentences have 
> been proposed for hackers).  I own a copy of this video if 
> anyone wants to see it. (Maybe a GNHLUG Film Festival 
> sometime when a topic is lacking, eh? 
> I'd like to see "Revolution OS" [again] and "The Code" myself.)
> Anyway, "Freedom Downtime" will be on TeeVee this month [From 
> the 2600 WEB Site]:
> Posted 11 Nov 2002 10:36:22 UTC
> We're happy to announce that our documentary on the Free 
> Kevin movement will be airing nationwide on a satellite 
> network that can be received throughout North America.
> "Freedom Downtime" will be aired multiple times on the Free 
> Speech TV network in the next few days. FSTV can be received 
> on Channel 9415 on the Dish Network as well as on numerous 
> cable systems throughout the United States. (Anyone 
> subscribing to Dish Network receives this channel despite the 
> bizarrely high sounding channel number.)
> Air times are as follows (all times EST):
> Tuesday, November 12: 6 am, 10 am, 2 pm, 4 pm, and 10 pm. 
> Wednesday, November 13: 1 am and 3 am. Saturday, November 16: 
> 6 am, 10 am, 2 pm, and 4 pm. Sunday, November 17: 1 am and 
> 3am. Thursday, November 21: 6 am, 10 am, 2 pm, 4 pm, and 10 
> pm. Friday, November 22: 1 am and 3 am. Saturday, November 23: 6 am.
> And for the record, it appears that we've been rated TV-PG.
> -- 
> =ksandre=
> "Gold is the corpse of value."
> _CRYPTONOMICON_ by Neal Stephenson
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