when I asked the Laconia library if they were willing to have software
donated for use by patrons, I received a positive reply and a meeting
was scheduled with a group of people responsible for TechLink NH.

We met today and they are quite enthusiastic about using Linux and OSS
in their program and to facilitate its use with library patrons and
others.  To undestand what TechLinik is and does, you should visit their
website at 


They are thinking about creating wireless access point to provide access
for small northern downs towns, they put on educational programs for
other non-profits, schools, senior centers about software and internet
use, and they manage Internet access mini networks for at least 14 sites
in northern NH which are primarily libraries.

Needless to say there might be a great deal of work and a great
opportunity here to help people use Linux and OSS.

They are going to send me a shopping list of things they are doing and
what they would like to to do with an eye for doing more of it with
Linux and OSS.  They are talking about holding training sessions with
their staff to make them Linux literate and to help the tech pe9ople
create small networks using Linux, perhaps with thin clients.

So is this something we should be actively seeking to do?
Obviously this is potentially a much larger deal than providing a few
libraries with copies of Linux distros.

Personally, it seems quite exciting.  These people are willing, indeed
eager,  to obtain knowledge from GNHLUG and then go out into these
communities and promote the use of Linux and OSS.  They have heard about
Linux and OSS, they know it can be a benefit to them, but they don't
have the skills and knowledge to use it.  This shows that
the first stage is over.  Linux is on the radar screen of these groups
and they want to know more to enable them to useit.  Now we
need to find a way to help people who have the inclination to use Linux
to actually use it to accomplish their missions.

Not sure where we go from here, but I will have feedback from them in a
week or two.  Then we can think about specific  projects.

Ed Lawson
Gnhlug-org mailing list

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