Heather, Bill, Shawn and Ben:

Thanks for taking time out of your busy lives to spend a couple of hours
discussing GNHLUG business last night. I feel we got a lot accomplished.

Michael and maddog: sorry you were not able to make it; your
contributions were missed.

My informal notes follow. The board secretary, Mr. Sconce, will provide
official minutes as his time allows.

All were present for dinner at Martha's. We were joined by Bruce Dawson,
former GNHLUG fearless leader, webmaster, sysop, wiki-master and
all-round generous guy, and Carole Soule, the President of Learning
Networks Foundation (http://www.learningnet.org/). Carole offered to
share some of her expertise in working with non-profit organizations and
 engage in some further discussions on whether her organization might be
able to aid GNHLUG in its pursuit of an appropriate non-profit status.
Bruce and Carole left after dinner, and the remaining attendees moved
upstairs for our meeting.

The meeting followed the agenda as written at:


Draft minutes were reviewed, a few minor corrections applied (Bill: it
was md who nominated and Heather who seconded) and were agreed to be
adopted, formally signed and added to our corporate books upon completion.

The president (me) reported on his action items: an in-person meeting is
not required for us to make resolutions, so long as we have agreement
amongst the directors and ensure the secretary records such decisions,
so a phone call or email exchange is appropriate. Our by-laws do require
two meetings a year, but other decisions can be made by the board as
necessary. We also do not have any requirement to have a physical (Post
Office Box) address to engage in business with the state or IRS.

The secretary, Bill Sconce, reported his research into the format and
the process of maintaining a Book of Resolutions, and was more
comfortable with the process. Bill had drafts of last meetings minutes,
which he had circulated, and a few clarifications and corrections were
offered. Bill emphasized the importance of recording what we have done,
and is eager to see the results published and preserved on the wiki.

The treasurer, Ben Scott, was heckled, but nonetheless reported progress
in his research on the non-profit status. Ben did a tremendous job in
assembling a number of wiki pages, with cross-references and citations,
on our alternatives and their implications. Thanks, Ben!

I would _strongly_ encourage all members, especially the board, to read
through Ben's research and consider his interpretations:


It was also pointed out by one of our lawyer-members that there is
"regulation as written" and there is "regulation as practiced" and
that one of the reasons for the existence of the legal profession is
determining the latter. We have a tremendous advantage that we are not
in an urgent situation to get this completed, and should press this
advantage to get the most advice and wisdom and techniques on our side.

Ben reported completing the IRS paperwork to obtain an EIN. We
discussed establishing a bank account. We determined that we would like
more than one officer needs to be a signatory, and will be researching
whether it is reasonable to require more than one officer to sign checks
for expenses.

Bear in mind we still have no plans for actually handling significant
amounts of money, but want to be prepared.

The NEARfest discussion was pretty much limited to "not going - maybe

New business opened up a couple of interesting discussions, talks I hope
we continue to have on the GNHLUG boards, both -org and -discuss. Ben
had posted a message to the effect of "what do we do now?" following the
decision not to be present at NEARfest. We talked a bit about some of
the history of New User Nights and the Linux Business Show, and talked
about some of the volunteer work group members do with The Open CD
(http://theopencd.org), Software Freedom Day
(http://www.softwarefreedomday.org), Moofolio
(http://www.k12opensource.org/spdc/moofolio/moofolio.html), the Christa
McAuliffe teacher's conference (http://www.nhcmtc.org/), and probably
lots of other efforts the other members are not aware of. Agreement that
we need to promote these success stories both within GNHLUG (to
encourage and promote more volunteerism) and to the community at large.

Ted Roche
Ted Roche & Associates, LLC

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