Hi all;

this is going to be a long email, so please bear with me.

tl;dr: the current state of developer.gnome.org can be described, by and
large, with "a huge mess"; we need to phase out the existing stack, and I
have a good idea of how to make that happen.

On the technical side: library-web is a Python 2 application that is
basically tied to the way things have been done in the past. It requires
projects to ship a full render of their gtk-doc-based API reference in
their release archives—something that will be discarded by distributions
and users alike, and it's only needed for library-web; it also parses the
generated HTML to inject a different CSS (as if we didn't control gtk-doc
ourselves), and changes the cross-reference links to remove the absolute
paths to the maintainer's file system with URLs to developer.gnome.org.
Sadly, library-web is currently unmaintained; this means it cannot deal
with changes in our build systems (from Autotools to CMake or Meson, which
do not distribute the API reference in the release archive), or changes in
the tools we use to generate the API reference itself (from gtk-doc to
gi-docgen). I'll skip the fact that gtk-doc is also unmaintained, which
means stuff is breaking apart on multiple fronts.

>From the perspective of a developer of a bunch of libraries in the core
GNOME stack the situation has slowly drifted from being broken to become
entirely untenable. Early this year I wrote an entirely new tool to replace
gtk-doc in order to generate the API reference of GTK4; while I'm being
clear that the goal of the tool is to document GTK and a couple of its
dependencies (like Pango and GdkPixbuf), I'm also aware that other projects
are looking at it to replace gtk-doc.

Of course, replacing gtk-doc means that library-web is currently unable to
even deal with it; I tried to modify library-web[1] to get it to publish
the documentation and leaving it alone, but it turns out that it's harder
than it looks, and it's even harder to gather logs out of our
infrastructure. I also tried to run a container with library-web on my
machine, to understand what it is doing, but in practice it's just a black
box. This led to the GTK project publishing the API reference on its own
gtk.org domain[2], though the CI pipeline, at least for the time being.

>From the technical side, this Jenga pile. held together by hopes and
dreams, has to go away.

We build all our libraries to publish the GNOME run times anyway; ideally,
we should be publishing the `org.gnome.Sdk.Docs` run time, but that kind of
broke with the switch to Buildstream. I'm currently looking at ways to fix
that, and then publishing the API references of all our stack as part of
our build process, just like we publish releases and VM for GNOME OS. The
idea is to have a versioned area so you can ask for the API references for
GNOME 40, 41, etc. in the form of:

 - https://sdk.gnome.org/docs/nightly/
  - all bleeding edge builds from the main development branch
 - https://sdk.gnome.org/docs/40/
   - GTK 3.24: https://sdk.gnome.org/docs/40/gtk3/
   - GTK 4.2: https://sdk.gnome.org/docs/40/gtk4/
   - ...

This way you only ask for the documentation related to the version of the
GNOME SDK you want.

On the content side: there's a huge chunk of articles, guides, and
tutorials that are either written for GNOME 2 or early GNOME 3; they are
hard to update, hard to search for, and hard to contribute to.

The Design team is moving the HIG[3] to a Sphinx set up, which publishes
the rendered documentation through a CI pipeline on GitLab pages. I used
the same theme and set up to render the current developer.gnome.org in my
personal space:

  - https://gitlab.gnome.org/ebassi/developer-www/
  - https://ebassi.pages.gitlab.gnome.org/developer-www/index.html

I'm in the process of:

 - vetting the current content of developer.gnome.org, dropping the GNOME2
and early GNOME3 stuff
 - editing the programmers guide to drop outdated content
 - re-organising the accessibility and localisation guidelines into their
own sections, possibly moving some of the content into the HIG
 - re-organising the HowDoI wiki pages into proper tutorials, with the goal
of dropping them from the wiki

The audience is geared towards GNOME 40 and GTK4 as a baseline.

Ideally, I'd like to tweak the Sphinx output to point each page to its
location on the Git repository, so that it's possible to quickly edit the
content through the GitLab web UI. My experience with doing that on the
gtk.org website has been a net positive, with a good deal of engagement
from new contributors.

The end goal is to phase out the API references section of
developer.gnome.org, moving that to a new, auto-generated website built by
our CI/CD pipeline; the remaining content of developer.gnome.org will be
vetted, and refreshed, in order to be published on its own CI pipeline.

There is one last thing that library-web does, and it's: publishing the
GNOME release notes, the application help, and the administrators guide. I
think Shaun has some ideas on the application help, and we can probably
figure out a similar arrangement for the release notes (which have been
painful to deal with for a while, now) and the administrators guide.

I'm happy to talk specifics on the plan's outline, if people have questions.


[1]: https://gitlab.gnome.org/Infrastructure/library-web/-/merge_requests/16
[2]: https://docs.gtk.org
[3]: https://mail.gnome.org/archives/gnome-doc-list/2021-March/msg00008.html

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