Hi All,

I am trying to implement a way to receive notifications for SVN
commits to GNOME SVN, for specific users.
These are the translators, and I want the notifications to get
forwarded to our mailing list.
The goal is, once an SVN commit takes place, a notification (from
svn-commits mailing list) is forwarded to the mailing list.
The commits of specific people only are forwarded.

What I have achieved so far:
1. Subscribe to svn-commits mailing list with your GMail account.
Select to receive all notifications.
2. Add a filter (in GMail) so that e-mail that contain the username of
the specific few committers
gets forwarded to your mailing list. The rest of the e-mails are deleted.

The problem is that a mailman mailing list does not allow to accept
mail with implicit destination (BCC),
so these mails are held in the moderation queue.

It is possible to use procmail, however this is not available at our webhosting.

Is there an easy alternative, such as
1. A service that allows to forward e-mails while rewriting the
destination e-mail address?
2. A feature at gnome.org that allows to receive notifications
pertaining to specific usernames only?

gnome-i18n mailing list

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