Em Qui, 2008-12-04 às 01:46 -0200, Leonardo F. Fontenelle escreveu:
> Em Seg, 2008-11-10 às 13:20 +0100, Claude Paroz escreveu:
> > As a first step, I implemented an XML and a JSON output of the release
> > list:
> > 
> > http://l10n.gnome.org/releases/xml
> > http://l10n.gnome.org/releases/json
> > 
> > Is this a good direction?
> > 
> I'm very sorry for not noticing your reply before. I see releases.xml
> was substituted by releases/xml, and recently you reintroduced the
> releases XML files (e.g. gnome-2-26.xml) for Vertimus. After a minor
> fixes, my scripts should start working again. Thanks!

Actually, I did need the old releases.xml; the review script used it to
discover which release was the translation from. I was going to ask you
to create it back, but then I decided to make the script discover the
correct PO file URL in DL without parsing any metadata from the web. The
result is a new review script, which I just uploaded to

The bad news is that the code had to be adjusted for a lot of quirks,
which is means it's less future-proof and harder to maintain. The good
news is that the script is faster (because it doesn't download the XML
files) and doesn't depend on xmlstarlet anymore. The script was
extensively tested, and so I hope it works out-of-the-box for everyone
(even more than the previous version).

Leonardo Fontenelle

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