On Ma, 2008-12-08 at 18:42 -0200, Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle wrote:
> Hi, Joao; hi, all!
> I agree such metadata (eg this message comes from a checkbox label)
> would be very valuable. Technically I believe it should be part of the
> automatic comments, leaving msgctxt for disambiguation. I'm not
> confident we can expect from developers to systematically add such
> comments (even the Orca develpers don't do this), but maybe Glade or
> any other develpment tool could do it. Does anyone know if, and how,
> coukd we get this kind of information in the translator comments?

It will be very cool if this extra information is given. It can even be
useful as an extra entry in the #: comments.

I agree that msgctxt should only be used for disambiguation context. Not
notes from the programmers to help translators (although the context
will obviously also help :-)

What we might need to do is to adapt intltool to add the extra comment
when creating the POT file from the .glade file.


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