I recently wrote a end-user help for Solang in Mallard.
As far as I understand help files have to be translated with .po files,
like strings in source code.
So here is the .pot file generated from the help files with xml2po.
Could someone add it to Damned lies ?

msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-02-20 23:20+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <em...@address>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <l...@li.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: tags_use.page:7(desc)
msgid "Attach tags to photos and remove them."
msgstr ""

#: tags_use.page:11(name) tags_manage.page:11(name) tags_intro.page:9(name) photos_by_page.page:10(name) keys.page:9(name) intro.page:10(name) index.page:7(name) import.page:10(name) howto_search.page:10(name) export_folder.page:10(name)
msgid "Florent Thévenet"
msgstr ""

#: tags_use.page:12(email) tags_manage.page:12(email) tags_intro.page:10(email) photos_by_page.page:11(email) keys.page:10(email) intro.page:11(email) index.page:8(email) import.page:11(email) howto_search.page:11(email) export_folder.page:11(email)
msgid "feulo...@free.fr"
msgstr ""

#: tags_use.page:16(title)
msgid "Attach tags to photos"
msgstr ""

#: tags_use.page:19(title)
msgid "Attach a tag to photos."
msgstr ""

#: tags_use.page:21(p)
msgid "You can attach a tag to one or more photos at once."
msgstr ""

#: tags_use.page:25(p)
msgid "From the <gui>main</gui> window, select one or more photos you want to tag."
msgstr ""

#: tags_use.page:28(p)
msgid "In the <gui>Tag List</gui>, click on the tag you want to attach to these photos."
msgstr ""

#: tags_use.page:31(p)
msgid "Choose <guiseq><gui>Tags</gui><gui>Attach Tag to Selection</gui></guiseq> or press <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>T</key></keyseq> to attach the tag to these photos."
msgstr ""

#: tags_use.page:37(title)
msgid "Remove a tag from photos."
msgstr ""

#: tags_use.page:39(p)
msgid "You can remove a tag from one or more photos at once."
msgstr ""

#: tags_use.page:43(p)
msgid "From the <gui>main</gui> window, select one or more photos you want to untag."
msgstr ""

#: tags_use.page:46(p)
msgid "In the <gui>Tag List</gui>, click on the tag you want to remove from these photos."
msgstr ""

#: tags_use.page:49(p)
msgid "Choose <guiseq><gui>Tags</gui><gui>Remove Tag From Selection</gui></guiseq> to remove the tag from these photos."
msgstr ""

#: tags_manage.page:7(desc)
msgid "Create, modify and delete tags."
msgstr ""

#: tags_manage.page:16(title)
msgid "Manage your tags"
msgstr ""

#: tags_manage.page:19(title)
msgid "Create a tag"
msgstr ""

#: tags_manage.page:21(p)
msgid "You can quickly create tags."
msgstr ""

#: tags_manage.page:25(p)
msgid "From the <gui>main</gui> window, choose <guiseq><gui>Tags</gui><gui>Create New Tag...</gui></guiseq>."
msgstr ""

#: tags_manage.page:29(p)
msgid "In the <gui>Create New Tag</gui> window, enter the name of your tag and enter an optional description."
msgstr ""

#: tags_manage.page:32(p)
msgid "Press <gui>OK</gui> to validate the creation of the tag."
msgstr ""

#: tags_manage.page:39(title)
msgid "Modify a Tag"
msgstr ""

#: tags_manage.page:41(p)
msgid "You can modify the name and the description of a tag."
msgstr ""

#: tags_manage.page:45(p)
msgid "From the <gui>main</gui> window, choose <guiseq><gui>Tags</gui><gui>Edit Selected Tag...</gui></guiseq>."
msgstr ""

#: tags_manage.page:49(p)
msgid "In the <gui>Edit Tag</gui> window, modify the field you want."
msgstr ""

#: tags_manage.page:52(p)
msgid "Press <gui>OK</gui> to save the modifications of the tag."
msgstr ""

#: tags_manage.page:58(title)
msgid "Delete a tag."
msgstr ""

#: tags_manage.page:60(p)
msgid "You can delete a tag."
msgstr ""

#: tags_manage.page:64(p)
msgid "In the <gui>Tag List</gui>, click on the tag you want to delete."
msgstr ""

#: tags_manage.page:67(p)
msgid "Choose <guiseq><gui>Tags</gui><gui>Delete Selected Tag</gui></guiseq> to delete this tag."
msgstr ""

#: tags_intro.page:5(desc)
msgid "An introduction to tags"
msgstr ""

#: tags_intro.page:14(title)
msgid "What's a tag?"
msgstr ""

#: tags_intro.page:15(p)
msgid "Tags are keyword you can use to label and organize your photos. You may have already seen it in weblogs."
msgstr ""

#: tags_intro.page:16(p)
msgid "<app>Solang</app> uses tags to help you organizing your photos. In fact, you can use tags to organize your photos the way you want!"
msgstr ""

#: tags_intro.page:17(p)
msgid "For example, some people uses tags to create \"albums\" of their holiday photos. Some others use tags to show what friends are in their photos, to view only photos from one geographical place or distinguish the photos they have modified."
msgstr ""

#: tags_intro.page:19(p)
msgid "<app>Solang</app> allows you to use tags as filters to view only photos that have some tags attached to them."
msgstr ""

#: photos_by_page.page:6(desc)
msgid "To view more than 50 photos."
msgstr ""

#: photos_by_page.page:15(title)
msgid "I don't see all my photos."
msgstr ""

#: photos_by_page.page:16(p)
msgid "<app>Solang</app> only display 50 photos by page, so you can only preview 50 photos at once."
msgstr ""

#: photos_by_page.page:17(p)
msgid "Hopefully there are multiple pages."
msgstr ""

#: photos_by_page.page:18(p)
msgid "To go to the next page you can"
msgstr ""

#: photos_by_page.page:21(p)
msgid "Click on the <gui>Next page</gui> button in the <gui>Toolbar</gui>."
msgstr ""

#: photos_by_page.page:24(p)
msgid "Press <keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>Page Down</key></keyseq>."
msgstr ""

#: photos_by_page.page:27(p)
msgid "Choose <guiseq><gui>Go</gui><gui>Next Page</gui></guiseq> from the <gui>Main Window</gui>."
msgstr ""

#: photos_by_page.page:30(p)
msgid "To go to the previous page you can"
msgstr ""

#: photos_by_page.page:33(p)
msgid "Click on the <gui>Previous page</gui> button in the <gui>Toolbar</gui>."
msgstr ""

#: photos_by_page.page:36(p)
msgid "Press <keyseq><key>Alt</key><key>Page Up</key></keyseq>."
msgstr ""

#: photos_by_page.page:39(p)
msgid "Choose <guiseq><gui>Go</gui><gui>Previous Page</gui></guiseq> from the <gui>Main Window</gui>."
msgstr ""

#: keys.page:5(desc)
msgid "You are going to love your keyboard."
msgstr ""

#: keys.page:14(title)
msgid "Keyboard shortcuts"
msgstr ""

#: keys.page:17(title)
msgid "View"
msgstr ""

#: keys.page:20(p)
msgid "Fullscreen"
msgstr ""

#: keys.page:20(p)
msgid "Go to fullscreen mode and go back to windowed mode."
msgstr ""

#: keys.page:21(key)
msgid "F11"
msgstr ""

#: keys.page:24(p)
msgid "Slideshow"
msgstr ""

#: keys.page:24(p)
msgid "Go to slideshow mode."
msgstr ""

#: keys.page:25(key)
msgid "F5"
msgstr ""

#: keys.page:28(p)
msgid "Zoom In"
msgstr ""

#: keys.page:28(p)
msgid "Enlarge the picture or the thumbnails."
msgstr ""

#: keys.page:29(key) keys.page:33(key) keys.page:37(key) keys.page:47(key)
msgid "Ctrl"
msgstr ""

#: keys.page:29(key)
msgid "+"
msgstr ""

#: keys.page:32(p)
msgid "Zoom Out"
msgstr ""

#: keys.page:32(p)
msgid "Reduce the size of the picture or the thumbnails."
msgstr ""

#: keys.page:33(key)
msgid "-"
msgstr ""

#: keys.page:36(p)
msgid "Normal size"
msgstr ""

#: keys.page:36(p)
msgid "Display image in its normal size (only in <gui>Enlarged mode</gui>)."
msgstr ""

#: keys.page:37(key)
msgid "0"
msgstr ""

#: keys.page:43(title) index.page:38(title)
msgid "Tags"
msgstr ""

#: keys.page:46(p)
msgid "Attach Tag to Selection"
msgstr ""

#: keys.page:46(p)
msgid "Attach the selected tag to the selected photos."
msgstr ""

#: keys.page:47(key)
msgid "T"
msgstr ""

#: keys.page:67(title)
msgid "Navigation (In <gui>Browser mode</gui>)"
msgstr ""

#: keys.page:70(p)
msgid "Previous Page"
msgstr ""

#: keys.page:70(p)
msgid "Go to the previous page."
msgstr ""

#: keys.page:71(key) keys.page:75(key) keys.page:79(key) keys.page:83(key) keys.page:93(key) keys.page:97(key) keys.page:101(key) keys.page:105(key)
msgid "Alt"
msgstr ""

#: keys.page:71(key) keys.page:93(key)
msgid "Left"
msgstr ""

#: keys.page:74(p)
msgid "Next Page"
msgstr ""

#: keys.page:74(p)
msgid "Go to the next page."
msgstr ""

#: keys.page:75(key) keys.page:97(key)
msgid "Right"
msgstr ""

#: keys.page:78(p)
msgid "First Page"
msgstr ""

#: keys.page:78(p)
msgid "Go to the first page."
msgstr ""

#: keys.page:79(key) keys.page:101(key)
msgid "Home"
msgstr ""

#: keys.page:82(p)
msgid "Last Page"
msgstr ""

#: keys.page:82(p)
msgid "Go to the last page."
msgstr ""

#: keys.page:83(key) keys.page:105(key)
msgid "End"
msgstr ""

#: keys.page:89(title)
msgid "Navigation (In <gui>Enlarged mode</gui>)"
msgstr ""

#: keys.page:92(p)
msgid "Previous Photo"
msgstr ""

#: keys.page:92(p)
msgid "Go to the previous photo."
msgstr ""

#: keys.page:96(p)
msgid "Next Photo"
msgstr ""

#: keys.page:96(p)
msgid "Go to the next photo."
msgstr ""

#: keys.page:100(p)
msgid "First Photo"
msgstr ""

#: keys.page:100(p)
msgid "Go to the first photo."
msgstr ""

#: keys.page:104(p)
msgid "Last Photo"
msgstr ""

#: keys.page:104(p)
msgid "Go to the last photo."
msgstr ""

#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: intro.page:24(None)
msgid "@@image: 'figures/main-window.png'; md5=3531b20d31fd0896d595d3fd691e4944"
msgstr ""

#: intro.page:6(desc)
msgid "Introduction to the <app>Solang</app> photos manager."
msgstr ""

#: intro.page:15(title)
msgid "Introduction to <app>Solang</app>"
msgstr ""

#: intro.page:16(p)
msgid "<app>Solang</app> is a photo manager for the GNOME desktop. It lets you manage your collection of photos by tagging them and searching through them based on various criteria -- tags, EXIF data, dates."
msgstr ""

#: intro.page:17(p)
msgid "You don't need to care about importing your photos to view them, as soon as you add photos to your computer you can enjoy them right into <app>Solang</app>. In the same way, if you attached tags to a photo from the <app>File manager</app>, they are automatically recognized in <app>Solang</app>."
msgstr ""

#: intro.page:18(p)
msgid "If your photos are the wrong way around you can rotate them or flip them in one click."
msgstr ""

#: intro.page:19(p)
msgid "You can enjoy your photos with your friends thanks to the slideshow feature and the fullscreen mode."
msgstr ""

#: intro.page:22(title)
msgid "<gui>Main</gui> window"
msgstr ""

#: intro.page:23(desc)
msgid "<app>Solang</app> main window"
msgstr ""

#: intro.page:25(p)
msgid "<app>Solang</app> main window."
msgstr ""

#: index.page:13(title)
msgid "<app>Solang</app> Help"
msgstr ""

#: index.page:16(p)
msgid "This guide is created for <app>Solang</app>'s 0.4 series. Since there have been some UI regressions from the 0.3 series, this guide may not cover some features of <app>Solang</app> 0.3, mostly the import process."
msgstr ""

#: index.page:22(title)
msgid "General Questions"
msgstr ""

#: index.page:31(title)
msgid "Exporting photos"
msgstr ""

#: index.page:47(title)
msgid "Tips and Tricks"
msgstr ""

#: import.page:6(desc)
msgid "To view your photos in <app>Solang</app>."
msgstr ""

#: import.page:15(title)
msgid "I can't see any photos"
msgstr ""

#: import.page:16(p)
msgid "Solang only displays photos that are indexed by the <app>Tracker search tool</app>, if you don't see your photos Tracker may not be running or your photos may not be indexed. To make sure Tracker indexes your photos use the <app>Search tool preferences</app> from the <gui>System</gui> menu."
msgstr ""

#: howto_search.page:6(desc)
msgid "Filters your photos."
msgstr ""

#: howto_search.page:15(title)
msgid "How do I use the search function?"
msgstr ""

#: howto_search.page:17(p)
msgid "Actually you have to drag and drop one or more filters to the <gui>Search Basket</gui>. <app>Solang</app> will display only photos that correspond to all the filters you have chosen. Today only tags are filters."
msgstr ""

#: howto_search.page:19(p)
msgid "To add a filter drag a tag from the <gui>Tag List</gui> to the <gui>Search Basket</gui>."
msgstr ""

#: howto_search.page:20(p)
msgid "To remove all the filters, right-click on a filter and choose <gui>Select All</gui>, then righ-click on the same filter and choose <gui>Remove</gui>."
msgstr ""

#: howto_search.page:21(p)
msgid "To remove one filter, right-click on the filter you want to remove in the <gui>Search Basket</gui> and choose <gui>Remove</gui>."
msgstr ""

#: howto_search.page:24(p)
msgid "What's more you can use the <gui>Free text search</gui> entry to filter photos name."
msgstr ""

#: howto_search.page:26(p)
msgid "Write the text you want to search in the <gui>Free text search</gui> entry"
msgstr ""

#: howto_search.page:27(p)
msgid "Press <key>Enter</key>"
msgstr ""

#: export_folder.page:6(desc)
msgid "To copy photos in a archive or a folder."
msgstr ""

#: export_folder.page:15(title)
msgid "Archive your photos"
msgstr ""

#: export_folder.page:16(p)
msgid "You can copy photos to a directory of your computer or put them in a archive."
msgstr ""

#: export_folder.page:18(p)
msgid "First you have to add the photos you want to export to the export queue. There are many ways to add a photo to the Export Queue."
msgstr ""

#: export_folder.page:21(p)
msgid "Right-click on a photo."
msgstr ""

#: export_folder.page:24(p)
msgid "Choose <gui>Add to Export Queue</gui>."
msgstr ""

#: export_folder.page:29(p)
msgid "Select one or more photos you want to export."
msgstr ""

#: export_folder.page:32(p)
msgid "Choose <guiseq><gui>Edit</gui><gui>Add to Export Queue</gui></guiseq>."
msgstr ""

#: export_folder.page:36(p)
msgid "Now you have to export your Export Queue to a folder."
msgstr ""

#: export_folder.page:39(p)
msgid "Choose <guiseq><gui>Photos</gui><gui>Export to</gui><gui>Folder...</gui></guiseq>."
msgstr ""

#: export_folder.page:42(p)
msgid "From the <gui>Export</gui> window, choose the directory you want your photos to be exported to."
msgstr ""

#: export_folder.page:45(p)
msgid "Check <gui>Create an archive</gui> if you want your photos to be packed up in a compressed archive. It can be useful if you want to send the photos by e-mail. The archive will be named with the current date following the pattern \"yyyymmdd.zip\" and saved in the directory you have chosen. Otherwise your photos will be copied directly to the directory you have chosen."
msgstr ""

#: export_folder.page:49(p)
msgid "Choose <gui>Export</gui> to export the photos."
msgstr ""

#. Put one translator per line, in the form of NAME <EMAIL>, YEAR1, YEAR2
#: export_folder.page:0(None)
msgid "translator-credits"
msgstr ""

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