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  l10n | other | Ver: unspecified
           Summary: Language Selection not listed properly
           Product: l10n
           Version: unspecified
          Platform: Other
        OS/Version: All
            Status: UNCONFIRMED
          Keywords: L10N
          Severity: normal
          Priority: Normal
         Component: other
        AssignedTo: gnome-i18n@gnome.org
        ReportedBy: wynn_da...@hotmail.com
         QAContact: ment...@menthos.com
     GNOME version: Unspecified
   GNOME milestone: Unspecified

Incorrect translation
Application: gdm

Incorrect text:
This is a general error in the language selection in gdm.  Currently, the
choice of languages is dependent on the current language chosen for gdm.  For
instance, I have a PC setup to allow for both Spanish and English.  If gdm is
in English mode, the selections are listed as Spanish and English, with all
country options listed in English.  If its in Spanish mode, choices are
presented as Spanish, Espanol, English, and Ingles (sorry about any missing
accent marks, and yes, gdm lists all four options when in Spanish mode).  But
this should not be -- the list should not be dependent on the language mode gdm
is currently stuck in.

Furthermore, after choosing a language, it asks a question to confirm whether
the user wants to use this mode for this session only or to make it the
default.  But this message is in the current gdm language, not the one just
chosen.  So, if gdm was currently in Spanish, and the user chose English, the
message comes up in Spanish.  If gdm was in English mode, whether the user
chooses an English or Spanish selection, the message appears in English.

Should be:
Real world example: here in the USA, we have ATM and Point of Sale credit card
machines that have the ability to present messages in English, Spanish, and
sometimes other languages.  But if its currently in English mode, they don't
list an option for "Spanish?", they list an option for "Espanol?".  The person
selecting the language needs to be able to read his language, and his country
choice, in his native language.  So, Spanish options should never say Spanish
-- they should always say Espanol, and English options should never say Ingles,
they should always say English, with all country options being listed in the
native speakers language.  (So, I should always see English (USA) as English
(USA), not Ingles (however Spanish refers to the USA)).

After choosing a language, the verification message should always be presented
in the chosen language, not the language mode that gdm is currently in.  The
cancel button should always be presented with an established icon indicating
cancel, so the user can still choose cancel, if he made a mistake in his

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