Le mardi 27 mars 2012 à 13:20 +0800, tennom YK a écrit :
> Dear all,
> My name is Tennom. I'm asking for creating a translation team for
> Tibetan language. I scrolled through the translation teams, but there
> has been no team contributing for the Tibetan translations so far on
> the gnome site. I saw somebody who is interested in helping with the
> translations though. 
> We implemented localizing Uduntu 11.10 in Tibetan, including most of
> the gnome packages in it. Here is the launchpad link to the
> translations: https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+lang/bo
> Full name: Tennom; Email: tennomyat...@gmail.com; Bugzilla account:
> tennomyat...@gmail.com
> English name for the language: Tibetan
> Native name: Boyi
> language code: bo
> mailing address: tennomyat...@gmail.com; team web: not yet

Hi Tennom,

The team page has been created: http://l10n.gnome.org/teams/bo/
I've also pushed the nautilus translation I found on Launchpad to
initiate the statistics.

You can now create an account and join the team. Then I'll be able to
set you as the coordinator.

Happy translating.


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