I'm planning to roll a Tomboy 0.6.1 tarball (for the GNOME 2.18.0 release)
on Monday at 16:00 UTC (10:00 AM MDT/TUE 3:00 AM Sydney).  If you are
planning to update a translation soon, please have it committed to Tomboy's
gnome-2-18 branch before then.

Thank you!


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Vincent Untz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mar 10, 2007 4:15 AM
Subject: TARBALLS DUE (before Monday 23:59 UTC!): GNOME 2.18.0 Final Release

To: devel-announce-list@gnome.org

Hi all,

We're going to do it again: deliver a stable GNOME 2.X.0 release on
schedule. Don't forget to create tarballs for this release, it's quite
important to have our latest translations available to all!

Tarballs are due on Monday March 12th before 23:59 UTC for the GNOME
2.18.0 Final Release, which will be delivered on Wednesday.

Please make sure that your tarballs will be uploaded before Monday 23:59
UTC: tarballs uploaded later than that will probably be too late to get
in 2.18.0. If you are not able to make a tarball before Monday or if you
think you'll be late, please send a mail to the release team and we'll
find someone to roll the tarball for you!

We encourage everyone to help with the smoketesting effort, either using
GARNOME or the 2.18.0 jhbuild modulesets that will be published on
Tuesday. If you find a bug that you believe might be a blocker, please
send a mail to the release team.

For more information about 2.17, the full schedule, the official module
lists, please see our 2.17 page on the wiki:

For a quick overview of the GNOME schedule, please see:



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