Sorry for the long title.

My post is about MultiSystem, a software that propose to make USB Multiboot.
Website : http://liveusb.info/
I have two things to report about it.

First, when you use it (if I remember well), there are multiples tabs,
including one for non-free software related to Windows or a proprietary
boot loader (or something related).
=> *Problem:* Recommends non-free apps.

Then, I wanted to contribute to this software, to fix a bug I had. I
downloaded the source code and I read two source files, written in sh.
There is no header to say who is the developer, the contact email, and
worst, no licensing information (it's not optionnal right ?)
Plus, the license file is called gpl-3.0.txt but I think that's not
important at all if the license file is not called COPYING.
=> *Problem:* No copyright header in the source files.

I tried to say him what he should do for the headers, but because of I
reported him bugs roughly, with a lack of diplomacy, I refuse to listen to
me and said something so discourteous in his last mail. Maybe I was
offensive when I reported the set of issues, but at least I tried to help


(sorry for having post this mail first in a wrong mailing list (

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