We attack the Microsoft-Novell deal from two angles. First, in the
fourth paragraph of section 11, the draft says that if you arrange to
provide patent protection to some of the people who get the software
from you, that protection is automatically extended to everyone who
receives the software, no matter how they get it. This means that the
patent protection Microsoft has extended to Novell's customers would be
extended to everyone who uses any software Novell distributes under

Second, in the fifth paragraph, the draft says that you are prohibited
from distributing software under GPLv3 if you make an agreement like the
Microsoft-Novell deal. This will prevent other distributors from trying
to make other deals like it in the future.

There is some bracketed text at the end of that paragraph which would
let companies distribute GPLv3 software even if they have made such an
arrangement, as long as the deal was made before March 28. A number of
companies in the free software community are concerned that the language
we've proposed would also target them because of other agreements
they've made, like broad patent cross-licenses, that don't harm the
community. This would have the side effect of allowing Novell to
distribute software under GPLv3. We are still evaluating the risks and
costs associated with this text, and look forward to additional


"I can change the rules."

   Herr Prof Eben
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