Linus Torvalds wrote:
> On Sat, 16 Jun 2007, Michael Gerdau wrote:
> >
> > I beg to differ. By adopting _his_ license you adopted his view.
> I'm sorry, but that's simply bullshit.
> The GPLv2 does not state that you have to become a slave of rms and follow
> him in all things, and agree with him. Really. You must have read some
> other (perhaps unreleased early draft?) version.
> The GPLv2 says what it says. Not what you (or rms) *wished* it says.
> You don't enter into contracts and licenses based on wishes and intents.
> That's just not how it works.
> > >  (b) The language in the preamble: "must give the recipients all the
> > >      rights that you have" means really *all* the rights and abilities!
> >
> > I always did imply a "within reason".
> Your view is not relevant. The fact that the "preamble" is not the
> "conditions" is what's relevant.
> The preamble is explicitly stated to be *different* from the exact
> conditions. It's not the real "terms of copying". It's there to explain,
> it's not there to *be* the license.
> It's explanatory, but the wording that actually *matters* is the "terms
> and conditions".
> And the fact that *you* can mentally add words to it when you read the
> license (adding a "within reason") has absolutely no relevance
> what-so-ever.
>                         Linus


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