Leigh Wedding writes:
 > A small patch as noted below.
 > ----------  Forwarded Message  ----------
 > Subject: Patch for Gnucash V1.2.3
 > Date: Sat, 11 Dec 1999 04:54:25 +1100
 > From: Leigh Wedding <lwedding@localhost>
 > Linas,
 > Included here is a small patch for gnucash.  It fixes the hard coded
 > path to the perl module gnucash.pm in src/reports/Sheet.c.  Basically
 > it just uses GNC_LIBDIR from the Makefile.  Hope you can use it.
Thanks very much for the patch.  However, the problem is already fixed
in Dave Peticolas' bigpatch, which will hopefully make it into CVS
soon (Linas is very busy at the moment, and he's the only one with CVS

BTW, if you wish to stick with the 1.2.x series, you might want to
grab 1.2.5 from ftp.gnucash.org.  You'll still need to apply your
patch, though.

You might also want to try out the gnome version in CVS (after applying
Dave Peticolas' bigpatch which you'll find in the gnucash-patches

Robert Merkel                                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Humanity has advanced, when it has advanced, not because it has been sober, 
responsible, and cautious, but because it has been playful, rebellious, and 
                -- Tom Robbins

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