On Tue, 12 Jun 2001 06:27:58 "Austad, Jay" wrote:
> Has anyone here used Paytrust.com?  How hard would it be to set up
> Gnucash
> to pull down bill information and handle transactions with paytrust?  
> (Paytrust receives your bills for you, scans them in, and sends you an
> email
> when a bill comes in.  You just go to their site to view the jpg of the
> bill, click to pay it, or you can set up automatic payments that require
> no
> interaction at all.  Probably the most convenient thing I've ever used.)

At the moment, GnuCash doesn't directly support doing transactions online,
but there is interest from several people in supporting various
online transaction systems (for instance, there are a couple of
Germans who wish to support their local online banking standard).
There is probably some amount of infrastructure work
that needs to be (and will be) done before support for this kind
of system is feasible.  Of course, having input early is more likely
to lead to infrastructure that meets the specific needs of your system :)

Support for a specific tool like this depends on whether
the provider already has a publically-documented interface for 
interacting with the system, or is prepared to provide one.
Screenscraping websites subject to formatting changes is difficult
enough just reading stock prices (which we handle through an externally
maintained perl module), but actually performing transactions in this 
manner is extremely risky IMHO.

If you're at all interested in working on this, we'd be equally keen 
to help you.  We always need more people to work on new features.

Robert Merkel                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Go You Big Red Fire Engine
-- Unknown Audience Member at Adam Hills standup gig
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