Christian Stimming writes:
 > Hi goonie,
 > we forgot another case. If the user chooses a small display-depth so that 
 > children accounts are not shown, then what balance should the 
 > parent-account show?
 > > Ok, given accounts
 > >
 > > Rob's Liabilities $500
 > >     Credit Card   $10
 > >            Card1    $60
 > >            Card2    $30
 > >
 > >
 > > total liabilities are $600.
 > Say display-depth==2. With the proposed new options we would have e.g. 
 > <report1>
 > Rob's Liabilities
 >     Credit Card  $100
 > Total Rob's Liabilities $600
 > </report1>
 > or
 > <report2>
 > Rob's Liabilities $500
 >     Credit Card $100
 > Total Rob's Liabilities $600
 > </report2>
 > with show-parent-balances?==#f for report1 and ==#t for report2, and 
 > without the Total line if show-parent-totals?==#t.  
 > Currently we also have the do-subtot? option (which I never really 
 > understood, just carried over as a legacy from the balance-and-pnl.scm), 
 > which, if #f, would swith the balance for "Credit Card" from $100 to $10. 
 > Do we want that at all? Perhaps there might be cases when that's useful. 
 > Anyway I can't think of any and I would rather propose the throw out the 
 > current do-subtot? completely. If, in the example, the user wants to see 
 > the "Credit Card $10", she would have to increase the display-depth and 
 > set show-parent-totals?==#t. 
 > What do you think?

I think you're quite right.

Robert Merkel                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]

<telsa> I left my client on #gtk+ overnight and there was nothing 
in scrollback at all except quit/rejoins.
<bighead> telsa: well its been that for, I think 3 days now 
(ever since started coming back on IRC)
<telsa> Clearly they are busy implementing telepathy, 
and dog-fooding it. :) 
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