Nelson wrote
> Just wondering if anyone was successful in setting up any Canadian banks
> for
> online banking in GnuCash. Thanks for sharing.
I download transactions from several Canadian banks (BMO, TD, CIBC) in
three different GnuCash files on a regular basis. Works just fine.
I simply select
Wow, that's great.
Talk about fast turn-around!
Thank you very much,
Christopher Lam wrote
> Good news; future releases where "Running Balance" is enabled, and the
> sorting/grouping options include account, *will* now print the balance
> brought forward. Zero-amount transaction hack isn't
Thank you, this works nearly perfectly to achieve the desired effect.
When I say nearly perfectly, it's only because the amount column for the
first (artificial) line shows $0.00, whereas it would be better
aesthetically if were blank. No matter -- in cases where I care enough I can
David, thanks for that.
Just thought I'd report that, with 7zip installed on a Windows box, all one
needs to do is right-click on the file and take 7Zip > Extract Here (or one
of the other extraction options).
It creates an uncompressed version with the .gnucash suffix stripped off, so
you'll hav