Of course, should the user wish to delete all records after a given date (or 
before) they could use the same filtering technique to create a view of the 
offending records and one by one delete them until the view is empty. This can 
happen pretty quickly, once the user tells gnucash to delete without 
confirmation for the rest of the session. 
David T. 
P.S. to the original poster: common etiquette when replying to a digest is to 
change the subject line from Digest to something meaningful. Better yet, create 
a new message altogether and put your subject in that. 

  On Wed, Mar 6, 2019 at 3:45, David Cousens<davidcous...@bigpond.com> wrote:   
At present there is no way to multiply select transaction records in the
account registers for actions upon them including deleting them.

Why do you need to start a new checking account? You can use the
View->FilterBy to restrict displays to a specific date period and you can
set the current accounting period in the Edit->Preferences dialog. All
reports can have the date or a date range specified for them. 

GnuCash does have an Accounting Close Books function to zero out the income
ans expense accounts for a new accounting period for those of us who stick
to formal accounting procedure, but it is not necessary to use it as GnuCash
is setup that way. This would not normally be done toasset accounts in any

Consult the Tutorial and User Guide
https://www.gnucash.org/docs/v3/C/gnucash-guide/index.html and Help manuals
https://www.gnucash.org/docs/v3/C/gnucash-help/help.html for detailed
instructions on using GnuCash.

David Cousens

David Cousens
Sent from: http://gnucash.1415818.n4.nabble.com/GnuCash-User-f1415819.html
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