Hi Doug,
For the flatpak edition of gnucash the command to fetch quotes is slightly more
flatpak run --command=gnucash-cli org.gnucash.GnuCash -quotes dump
This boils down to the following components:
- flatpak run org.gnucash.GnuCash
=> indicate you want to execute a command in
Here's one thought;
I just googled that.
I've got the same question/issue... but hadn't looked up for it yet.
gnucash-user mailing list
To update your subs
I installed via flatpack Gnucash v. 5.3 on Linux Mint v. 20 OS and the terminal
commands that I previously used to find sources for quotes on longer work.
Here is the output:
doug@sager:~$ gnucash-cli --quotes dump yahoo_json QCBMPXgnucash-cli: command
not found
doug@sager:~$ gnc-fq-dump -v yah