
Yavor Doganov wrote:
В Tue, 29 Oct 2019 12:50:23 +0000, David Chisnall написа:
I don't really understand how this works. GCC does not support a
post-2005 dialect of Objective-C.  GNUstep is a framework that aims to
provide an implementation of the 2019 Objective-C standard library.  Why
is it politically problematic for GNUstep to drop support for GCC, but
not problematic for GCC to drop support for GNUstep?
But GCC didn't drop support for GNUstep.  It just cannot cope with the
changes of the language/runtime that are completely under the control
of a single corporation.  It is not surprising that the last major
changes in GCC related to Objective-C were implemented by GNUstep
developers (Nicola and Richard, IIRC).

I would hate to be dependent on clang. I actually like the situation where we have two compilers. On many OS/arch combinations I use... one compiler is better than the other. I like this freedom. GNU-step GNU-compiler for me is a good match, but being able to use clang is a good add, the other way, I don't feel comfortable.

Basically, the only target market is GNUstep developers on platforms
that Clang doesn't support, which I think is a set containing only
This is an exaggeration.  I fixed a bug in SOPE on SuperH just a few
months ago.  Over the years, I recall fixes in GNUstep core libraries
on HP-PA, GNU/Hurd and GNU/kFreeBSD, to name a few.  And non-core
packages on sparc, ppc, ppc64, powerpcspe and m68k.  GNUstep aims for
portability and this is closely related with code quality.  Once you
start dropping targets for no good reason you can expect regressions
in quality here and there, and more effort when the need to support a
new architecture arises.

I subscribe to this.
Thank you for stepping in, or it looks like me being "the only one" which is not true. I happen to be the only one writing actively to this group and being member of the core team, but there are others which just are "silent".

I don't use GNUstep on m68k since years.. because I was unable to upgrade my machine to a more recent debian, font memories :-P

However my interest in PPC revived a lot since I am member of the PPC (Power Progress Community) and GCC is currently a better compiler for that platform.
On SPARC the same (to be honest, I didn't even try clang there yet)

I still need to play on MIPS LE.. and will test compilers there. Availability of these boards has risen the multitude of platforms again, exciting.

В Wed, 30 Oct 2019 01:27:56 +0200, Sergii Stoian написа:
IMHO political motifs shouldn’t constrain technical decisions
Well, the goal of the GNU Project is technical but that goal is set
because of an ideal and GNU maintainers are supposed to exercise
proper judgment when making decisions on technical matters, too.

Well... this could be discussed, the whole GNU project can be said "political" (see quotes) if not at least ideological. Several projects and libraries were formed just because one didn't a specific license. One could say that the whole Free Software is born out of "politcal reasons."

Moreover using these nice Objective-C 2.0 features make GNUstep code
look much more familiar to potential macOS/iOS developers.
It is extremely naive to expect that macOS/iOS developers will start
coming in numbers, anxious to implement classes and missing
functionality, just because of that.  GNUstep predates the thing
called "Objective-C 2.0" and I don't remember an avalanche of patches
flowing in before 2005.

They won't... the cool thing is Swift anyway... or Rust or whatever if you like chaning language every day. But some occasional MacOS dev could peek by.
I like the cleanieness of Obj-C 1.0 except some compromises it had.

(Likewise, it was foolish to presume that the move to GitHub will
install an entire new generation of energetic programmers.  The
reality is that pretty much the same small set of heroic people are
doing the work.)

Here, even if I don't like GitHub, I must say that it helps in exposure, the code is easier to browse and even if a hoard of programmers won't materialize because GNUstep's appeal is a niche, we can get more report and exposure. Here a can of worm opens about the bad interface of code comments or comments on patches of GitHub opens.
So... I don't like the "tool" but the fact that it is of ease is true.
I myself have contributed easily wth code and patches to other project just because their "home" was consistent and easy. GitHub or equivalent gitlab environment make that easy. Having two bug trackers, a code in another place and releases in yet another... do not help.
Not a real issue, mind you, but don't help for sure.


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