Thank you, that’s very helpful.

Regarding LLDB support for the non-fragile ABI we’re in the process of trying 
to find someone to implement that.


> Am 19.11.2019 um 11:30 schrieb Wolfgang Lux <>:
>> Am 18.11.2019 um 10:12 schrieb Frederik Seiffert <>:
>> Hi Wolfgang,
>> We’re running into very similar issues debugging using lldb with the GNUstep 
>> Android toolchain, which is using the modern (v2) ABI. Have you been able to 
>> get any further with this?
> Obviously, I haven't got much further.
> But to alleviate the greatest pain I've hacked together a few gdb macros to 
> inspect an object's instance variables (see the attached gdbinit).
> The macro print_ivars recursively prints the IVars of the object (or class) 
> given as first arguments and the macros pivi, pivl, pivp, pivo print the 
> value of an instance variable as an int, long, void * or as object (using po) 
> when given the address of an object and the offset of the respective instance 
> variable.
> Just copy the attached file into the working directory and then use
>  source gdbinit
> to load the commands. Or copy the contents into ~/.gdbinit to make them 
> available globally.
> Wolfgang
> <gdbinit>

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