I have installed, and am using, the GNUstep Workspace Manager, Project Center and Gorm app on my Suse Linux computer.  Everything is working great except 1 issue.  Any help would be appreciated;
1.  When I create a new APPLICATION in GORM I get a message stating that it can't gain access to the files under ~gorm.app.  There is nothing in that folder, when I look via the OS.
2.  I 'fix' this problem by creating a new file in GORM, itself, then save the files created into the ~gorm.app folder.  The next time I open the app.....Project Center doesn't 'complain'.  I can then proceed to work.
3.  After doing a 'save all', I come back into the Project Center to build the app.  The build just 'terminates' immediately - doing no work.  NO messages, no error messages, nothing, nada, zip.  It just states "build terminated'.
If anybody could help it would be greatly appreciated.  I'm trying to do some x-development work between my Mac/Cocoa app(s) and Linux.
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