In reply to this bug report I have finally changed NSControl's method
mouseDown: to no longer fiddle with the action mask of the cell and also
not to capture the mouse any more. The later is needed to allow the cell
to start any modal windows.

I regard this as a rather deep change and have tested it for some time
now, still there may be special cases that I have overlooked. I would
like to ask all developers of GNUstep to test their gui applications, if
the still function as expected. I am sure it will be fairly simple to
resolve any remaining issues.


Marc Brünink schrieb:
> [NSButton sendActionOn:] does not work at all. This is because of
>   if ([_cell isContinuous])
>     {
>       oldActionMask = [_cell sendActionOn: NSPeriodicMask];
>     }
>   else
>     {
>       oldActionMask = [_cell sendActionOn: 0];
>     }
> in [NSControl mouseDown:]. If I comment these lines out and kill the
> last 3 lines of the method
>   //[_cell sendActionOn: oldActionMask];
> //  if (mouseUp)
>   //  [self sendAction: [self action] to: [self target]];
> everything works as expected. Why does NSControl just ignore my settings
> and resets everything back to 0 before handling the event?
> Please send me a CC.

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