Forgot to include the list...
Gregory John Casamento  -- Principal Consultant, Open Logic Corp. (A MD Corp.)
 ## Maintainer of Gorm (IB Equiv.) for GNUstep.

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Gregory John Casamento <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Sheldon Gill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sun 22 Jan 2006 10:41:08 PM EST
Subject: Re: Problems with automatic start of gdnc, gpbs, and gdomap on Linux...

Yes, I'm using the code on HEAD, the latest as of about 2 hours ago.  

The message says "NSInternalInconsistencyException:unable to contact GDNC 
server - please check that the gdnc process in running.  I attempted to start 
it at '/usr/GNUstep/System/Tools/gdnc'."
Gregory John Casamento  -- Principal Consultant, Open Logic Corp. (A MD Corp.)
 ## Maintainer of Gorm (IB Equiv.) for GNUstep.

----- Original Message ----
From: Sheldon Gill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Gregory John Casamento <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: GNUstep Developers <>
Sent: Sun 22 Jan 2006 10:11:51 PM EST
Subject: Re: Problems with automatic start of gdnc, gpbs, and gdomap on Linux...


Gregory John Casamento wrote:
> The subject basically says it.  When I log in, it's reporting that it 
> had trouble starting gdnc.  Is anyone else having this problem?

Could you please let us know what the messages/logs say?
I take it you're running HEAD ?


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