I have *issue in GoCD with GIT Submodule*. So we have one repository with
one connected submodule.
After run the pipeline, GoCD shows this *error*:
Error performing command: --- Command ---
git submodule foreach --recursive "git checkout ."
--- Environment ---
--- EXI
alas it seems GoCD has some issues when setting the inter pipeline triggers
with different source code materials
https://github.com/gocd/gocd/issues/1391 (last comment is mine)
I was originally going to post my question (is it a feature request now?)
into github, but the github issue message cle
Thanks yes it was helpful, and more or less what I already assumed.
> I'm curious what issues you are encountering that are making you want to
force library updates in otherwise unchanged applications.
To better understand this - Think of the production application as a
pyramid. Top of t
Hi Anthony,
I think the only way to get GoCD to show these types of dependencies is to
add Pipeline A as a Material for Pipeline B. This alone wouldn't handle
automatically increasing the version of Library A in Application B but it
would allow you to see all downstream applications that levera